Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Prayers Needed

I debated posting this because I didn't want to worry everyone, the way I've been worrying.....but then I realized, we need some prayers.

I started spotting on Monday which has continued through to this morning. I am completely freaked out. I talked to my nurse at CCRM on Monday and she told me that it's completely normal when on progesterone vaginal suppositories. IShe said the suppositories can irritate your cervix and cause spotting. She said that unless it's a lot of bright red blood with severe cramping.....not to stress out. When you've had two miscarriages, which started with spotting....this is much easier said than done. I'm a mess.

I had to go in this morning to check my P4 and E2 levels anyway, so they did an HCG test as well. The nurses all assured me the spotting was normal, but I started sobbing during my blood test. They ran the pregnancy blood test and it came back at 9,364 which is right on track and right on target for where it should be. I don't have any severe cramping....just twinges and quick pains here and there which they said is my uterus no major bleeding.....just a tiny bit of spotting. When you're pregnant though....ANY amount of blood is alarming.

My P4 came back at 13.8 which has actually gone up, which is a good thing. My E2 level came back at 868 which is great.

Anyway, I didn't want to make everyone else worry as much as we are, but we need extra prayers right now. God gave us this pregnancy as a gift and I am just praying every day that it sticks around for another 9 months or so.

Our ultrasound on May 22nd can't get here fast enough..................

Thanks for being here!

T & A


Roger Cole said...

your doing great gal! Just hang in there! I will pray and pray for ya! I have had almost every girlfriend that is prego ALL spotted, I was the only one i know that didnt....its funny you said this b/c a friend of mine just did the other month and thought the same thing at 7 weeks and all WAS GOOD! Im sure those babies/baby are just fine, just trying to clear out some room in there to grow and get big and bigger....:)!

Sky said...

Spotting is so damned normal in IVF pregnancies that I have YET to hear of one that doesn't spot. I might be more concerned if she didn't.

Of course, if/when it's me in that situation, I'll be a crying mess - so I understand.

Hang in there!

Kris said...

Hang in there. This is all so stressful and worrisome, but I know you have a really strong baby in there that wants to meet his mommy and daddy in nine months:)

I will be thinking of and praying for you:)

want2bmom said...

We will keep you in our prayers.

ang said...

completely normal sweetheart but prayers never hurt so don't be shy to ask for are doing great! xoxo

Steph and Jeanine Schmalz said...

You did the right thing to call and everything sounds very normal - especially the worry!

Hang in there - you'll be finding out how many "peanuts" are in there and be well on your way to meeting him/her/them very soon.

Thoughts and prayers from another CCRM family!

We are SO happy for you!
Steph and Jeanine

Kara said...

I'll definitely say extra prayers. Just keep thinking positive thoughts, and focus on those great numbers you got back.

AJ48 said...

You guys are in my prayers!! But try not to stress!!! I know that is easier said than done but hang in there, it will all work out!

Josée Martens said...

I am thinking of you and your baby. Stupid IVF spotting. At least all of the bloodwork looks good. I'll be thinking of you until I see the gorgeous ultrasound pic you;ll post. I know you are scared. ((Hugs)) I wish I knew the secret to staying chill.