Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pure Estrogen Baby!

My "bonus" AF arrived right on time on Friday. I couldn't believe that my body finally decided to cooperate and follow the schedule CCRM gave me. My body owes me AT LEAST that.

So, I started my estrogen Vivelle patches tonight (CD3) and lowered my dosage of lupron. I'm sure our house should be a fun one (as if it could get any more hormonal around here) over the next few weeks with all the hormones flyin' around.

We finally booked our trip today too. We fly out on Thursday, April 23rd and come home on Monday, April 27th.

We went to a wedding in IN this weekend for one of Adam's friends from IU. You can almost read facial expressions and hear the questions running through people's minds when they find out you've been married for 5 1/2 years and don't have any kids yet. I was considering grabbing the microphone from the band and making an announcement like "Adam and I hate kids so we don't think it's a good idea that we have any" or "yes, married for 5 1/2 years and no's none of your freakin' business." I was actually pleasantly surprised that noone just came out and asked.....bless them.

Thanks for being here!

T & A

1 comment:

Ann said...

Hi, I am new to your blog and have loved reading it. Thank you for so generously sharing your experiences.

I, too, struggled to become a mom. It took four years before we finally became the parents of a baby girl through an egg donor. Our daughter is two now. Looking back at everything we went through, I realize that I wouldn't change a thing because then we wouldn't have THIS little girl that we love so dearly.

With your determination and fortitude, you will be a mom one way or another. I really hope that this cycle works out for you!!!